
Posted: April 12, 2011 in Uncategorized



Union of Socialist America?

With all that’s happening in the united states today why would democrats and republicans both be passing laws that infringe on our liberties and slowly take our freedoms under the guise of terrorism. These laws will be the downfall of freedom in the U.S.A.

The laws being passed by the house and congress these days have very troubling overtones. Reflecting laws that were passed in history by socialist dictators to control the populations that elected them. With this in mind we should take a closer look at some of these troubling laws. First and foremost to control a vast population, only law enforcement and military need to be the only ones armed for if the populous has armament there could be the chance of revolt. see Hilary clinton’s plea to U.N. The congress telling Americans that they cannot pass down their grandpa’s old hunting rifle to their kids in H.R. 2159. Also in that legislation the attorney general has the authority to relieve or not sell weapons to who he deems a terrorist or threat.

So with that in mind let’s take a look at what the department of homeland security’s definitions of domestic terrorism is. Well, now that’s quite an extensive list. But let’s not stop there… For total population control we are bound to have some people that will not go along with this idea. The population in america is roughly 307,000,000 so give or take a million or two we need to as a government to contain these people who do not go along with the “new plan” therefore we need detention facilities to harbor those  viscous  criminals. So the tax payers should pay for these new places that they will be sent refer to H.R. 645. The people of the united states should be paying alot of attention to what laws are being passed that they are paying for. The government needs alot of money to do the things that are in these bills and still run the country as though nothing is happening behind the scenes so how about a new tax that would cripple private businessH.R. 2454. And just where does this agenda stem from? Well none other than the 1992 agenda of the united nations agenda 21. In an article agenda 21 for dummies i think savant noir stated it best.

“It all can be summarized this way: Sustainable Development is essentially the “land grab”. The Wildlands Project is the “water grab”. Health Care Reform is the “body grab”. Cap and Trade is the “private property grab”. It is much more complex of course, but it can readily be discerned when you consider all the new Codex Laws for Agriculture that have been passed, all the enumerated powers given the USDA, EPA, FDA, OSHA, etc. These “grabs” are being enacted in numerous ways, but they ALL flow from Agenda 21.”

An educated America is a free America…

Wahrheit Unbedingt

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